June Quest-Mini BioBlitz!

Have you heard of a "BioBlitz"? In a BioBlitz, volunteers working in teams have 24 hours to tally as many species of animals and plants as they can on a particular parcel of land. The Rhode Island Natural History Survey's official state BioBlitz is June 9th and 10th. This month, we are encouraging Nature Swappers to hold your own mini BioBlitz!

For 5000 points this month, find an outdoor space, set a 10 minute timer, and count as many living things as you can. This includes plants, animals, fungi, mosses, everything you can see! Do you need help identifying what you find? Use one of the following free resources. 

iNaturalist A Community for Naturalists · iNaturalist

Seek Seek by iNaturalist · iNaturalist

Merlin Bird Identification Download Merlin Bird ID for iOS and Android – Merlin Bird ID – Free, instant bird identification help and guide for thousands of birds (allaboutbirds.org)

Send in your list of species, and any drawings/photos that you've taken for 5,000 points!