Here is a list of some frequently asked questions.  If you cannot find the answer you are looking for, please contact our help desk.

Can I bring in 1,000 pine cones to trade or take out 100 rocks and minerals?

A: No.  You may only trade 2 items, in or out, per visit.  We value quality of experience over quantity of items traded.  In addition this will help us to manage our point based economy and the amount of items contained within our space. We may make an exception for a nature "collection" on a case by case basis. 

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I found this flamingo feather on the ground just outside of their exhibit. Can I trade this item?

A: No.  Unfortunately we cannot trade items found within the zoo or from zoo animals.  In addition, most feathers are protected under the Migratory Bird Treaty Act of 1918 and cannot be traded.  If you take its picture and write a short story about the feather, we can trade that! 

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Why do I need an account?

A: It allows us to keep track of your points earned/swapped.  Your account will indefinitely be active so you do not have to worry about the amount of time between trades.  Also, swap members will receive updates about new items available at the Nature Swap or inform you about special quests you can complete for bonus points.

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Can I use someone else's account? Are points transferable?

A: Unless the account holder is with you at the Nature Swap, and gives permission, you cannot use their account.  Some scenarios this would be allowed is for siblings or friends who want to pool their points to take a shared item home. If both parties are present, and one wants to "donate" points to the other (for example, to help them reach enough points to take an item home), this would be allowed. 

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How do you determine points?

A: Every item has a “Base Point” value. Additional points are determined by three criteria which can double an item’s value.  Experience – The more knowledge you have about the item, and its connection to the ecosystem, will increase the amount of points awarded.  Uniqueness – How common an item is and how many we already have in the collection.  Quality – The quality of your item.

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