
Item Name Base Points Item Description
Photo 200
Journal Page 25
Fossils 32
Wood Cookies- Small 0-2” 13
Drawings/Rubbings 18
Crab/Lobster Exoskeletons 45
Castings (Animal Prints) 45
Sea Stars/Urchins/Sand Dollars 60
Flowers (pressed) 45
Sheds (mammal/reptile) 56
Bone- Skeletons 350
Bone- Fragments 50
Shells- Medium 2+ -6” 29
Shells- Small 0-2” 15
Pine Cones- Medium 2+ -5” 30
Insects/Bugs/Spiders (Arthropods) - Dead/Castings 45
Insect/Bugs (Arthropods) - Empty Homes (Fragments) 30
Acorns 15
Leaves (pressed) 45
Shells- Large 6+” 58
Sticks 19
Seeds/Pods 15
Bark 22
Insects/Bugs (Arthropods) - Empty Homes (Complete) 57
Fungi/Lichen- Large 6+” 45
Pine Cones- Small 0-2” 15
Pine Cones- Large 5+” 45
Wood Cookies- Large 6+” 45
Bone- Skulls 150
Fungi/Lichen- Small 0-6” 15
Antlers- < 14” 2500
Journal Book 50
Sea Life Empty Pods/Cases 45
Antlers- >14” 5000
Wood Cookies- Medium 2+- 6” 30
MIscellaneous Points Low (100) 125
Miscellaneous Points Medium (150) 242
Miscellaneous Points High (250) 438
Poster 125
Books (Reading/Science Books) 30
Nature Craft 83
Sand and Soil 25
Rocks- Medium 2+ -6” 75
Geodes - break your own 150
Crystal/Mineral 1750
Rocks- Small 0-2” 20
Rocks Large 7+” 120
Quest - At Zoo 5000 Monthly quest done at RWPZoo
Quest - At Home 5000 Monthly quest done at home
Bugs in Resin - small 2500
Bugs in Resin - Medium 6000
Bugs in Resin - Large 20000
polished rocks (two) 150
Chambered Nautilus 10000 shell
pyrite 3000
shark tooth 150
mammal fur 1000
Sign Up Bonus 250 Created new user account
Young Explorers Bonus 0
Project FeederWatch Datasheet 1000
Young Explorers Activity 100 Participate in Young Explorers Program
Holiday Box 0 blind box wrapped items
painted rock 500
Nature Bookmark 1000 laminated leaves with tastle
Gall 45
Dried Leaves 10
Sea Glass 30
Geodes 0
Bone- Skulls/Turtle Shells 0
porcupine quill 450
Dried Botanicals 100 variety of seed pods
Mako shark jaw - small 1300
Transfer Points 0 one nature swap participant transfers points to another user. deduct points from first account and add points to the second account.